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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How Do Think Tanks Decide What to Think About?

Often we read in a news article that certain Think Tank recommends that things be done a certain way. Yet one has to wonder why a think tank decides to research, study or set up a committee to explore a certain topic in the first place. So, how does a Think Tank decide what to think on anyway?

Well some think tanks are politically motivated, some are offshoots of Industry Associations and others are involved with academia. Still other Think Tanks are merely brains for hire and they receive money to prepare studies and research reports for Corporations, Governments, Non-Profit Groups or Pure Research Organizations.

As the Online Think Tank coordinator, it has been my privilege to sit down with some brilliant creative geniuses and scour the list of challenges of our day to come up with topics and subjects which both fit our membership's expertise and knowledge and are interesting. Without fun topics amongst the challenges it is hard to have fun. Thinking must be fun.

Take a look at the current projects that the Online Think Tank is working on now and you can see both fun and serious work that is being done. I would advise other Think Tanks to consider such a policy when coming up with their current slated projects;

Current Projects in Progress;

1. Artificial Intelligence -Futurist Report
2. Skateboards and Hover Boards of the Future
3. The Blurring of Real World with Virtual Reality
4. Universal Space Colony Franchise System Concept
5. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles of the Future - Road Map
6. Review of Current Sci-Fi, New Technologies and Future
7. US Healthcare Streamlining and Cost Reduction Research
8. Desalination Plant Recommendations for Southern California
9. CO2 Atmospheric Removal via Aerostat Terminal Gradient Clouds
10. Genius Search Project - Plan to Locate Creative Geniuses of Our Time
11. Bolivia - Economic Development, Coca, Amerindians, Geo-Politics and Aid
12. 2007 Atlantic Tropical Hurricane Season Disaster Mitigation and Weather Control

Of course we are always adding topics thanks to member input and observations from outside sources, news and other research facilities. And I hope this answers the question; "How Do Think Tanks Decide What to Think About?" Well that's how we do it, I am sure other Think Tanks do it slightly differently.

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Becoming a Futurist - It May Be In Your Future

Often people ask me why I became a Futurist? The interesting thing is that our minds are set up to plan for the future, perhaps this is why the human species has indeed made it this far. Unfortunately, if we do not plan in advance and throw caution to the wind too often we make rather poor decisions and the law of unintended consequences prevails.

You see, we are all futurists in reality and to what degree of a futurist you are will depend on how far into the future you are willing to think. For some people it is scary, for others it is entertaining and for a few it is very serious.

Originally I joined The World Future Society just to get their book review lists and was not disappointed, that alone was worth the membership fee. To become a futurist all you really have to do is proclaim yourself such and think about the future. Of course if you like to join groups then you can join the WFS or World Future Society.

After a while I became concerned that the WFS were telling everyone what to read and teaching them how to think to become a futurist. They have classes and seminars on how to think like a Futurist. Then it occurred to me, no wonder I am always, or most always correct and the other futurists are often way off in estimating the future.

You see the real problem is that if you tell everyone how to think and what to read they all start thinking the same thing and then verify with each other to prove that they are correct.

Anyway, I am glad to have considered this for today's article as it brought the fact that the renewal membership is sitting in my "To Do" pile. The Futurists do take some considerable Flak from the media at times and yet at other times the media clings to their every word. Indeed I did defend them against an attack from Wired Magazine, although I do have to say they did deserve a tad bit of criticism, for so many false predictions. Here about 2/3 down the page;

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Monday, October 20, 2008

How Futurists Are Able To Hit Bull's Eyes When Predicting The Future

Have you ever wondered how Futurists are able to hit bull's eyes when predicting the future? Now not all are as clever or get things right all the time, but some are uncanny. In fact I had always wondered how these folks did it. So, I studied everything I could find for about five years and then I joined the World Future Society.

I continued to study massive amounts of data and I still work very hard to this day to discover the latest stuff, couple that information with recorded history of mankind and as I scour lots of sources to get an accurate read on past periods. Next, I then use those results to improvise the future; what comes next.

You know what I found out? I am generally deadly accurate out to about 5-10 years, pretty accurate from 10-15 and good for about 15-25, although I have to work harder so I do not miss anything, if we are to plan the future. No, it is not easy and yes you can make mistakes. But the more you do it the better you get.

Another piece of advice I want to give to new entrants or futurists is to cross-pollinate your studies. Read five or six different trade journals each month of industries you have never thought much about. For instance last week I read Dog Kennel News, Plastic Surgeons International, Paper and Pulp News and Fiber Glass Times.

I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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Dolphin Clicks To Human Language - Film At 11:00 PM

Currently special tablet computers are being used by law enforcement police officers in some areas and by the soldiers in Iraq to help communicate with people that do not speak their language. These hand-held computer translation machines are a godsend and they are a tremendous help in the field. As we refine these techniques to translate dialogues between humans, why not design one to translate dolphin clicks or dolphin language into human language?

As a futurist I am often condemned for such thoughts and recommendations for future technologies and yet it makes sense. We study how the Dolphins use their clicking sound to describe objects or other Dolphins and we know it is a communication device; that is to say it is a language. Better call DARPA and get them working on it right away.

By translating this language we can better communicate with Dolphins and they can communicate with us in this interspecies language technology, It really is something that should be developed and studied. After all when we find intelligent life on other worlds how will we be able to communicate with them? And wouldn't it be nice to talk to your dog so they could tell you how they feel.

Right now chimpanzee trainers are able to talk using sign language, but in the future there would be no barriers to communication with any species once we broke down their language codes and programmed them into such a computer translation system. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.
Currently special tablet computers are being used by law enforcement police officers in some areas and by the soldiers in Iraq to help communicate with people that do not speak their language. These hand-held computer translation machines are a godsend and they are a tremendous help in the field. As we refine these techniques to translate dialogues between humans, why not design one to translate dolphin clicks or dolphin language into human language?

As a futurist I am often condemned for such thoughts and recommendations for future technologies and yet it makes sense. We study how the Dolphins use their clicking sound to describe objects or other Dolphins and we know it is a communication device; that is to say it is a language. Better call DARPA and get them working on it right away.

By translating this language we can better communicate with Dolphins and they can communicate with us in this interspecies language technology, It really is something that should be developed and studied. After all when we find intelligent life on other worlds how will we be able to communicate with them? And wouldn't it be nice to talk to your dog so they could tell you how they feel.

Right now chimpanzee trainers are able to talk using sign language, but in the future there would be no barriers to communication with any species once we broke down their language codes and programmed them into such a computer translation system. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Will Future Civilizations Destroy All the Robots We Build?

The robotic revolution is before us and we are having kids in school compete in robotic competitions. Indeed, we are getting an incredible number of new innovations and technologies from all this and these kids once in college and bona fide research facilities will create the next generation of robots.

These robots will help us explore other worlds, they will fly our aircraft and they will make life at home so much easier. They will care for the elderly, take our pets for walks and do the jobs we often do not wish to do. They will drive our trucks, our trains and harvest our food from the fields. Robots will also be fighting our wars, running our government and policing our citizens.

There in lies the problem, robots will soon rule our world and we have all seen the science-fiction movies which depict wars against humans and artificially intelligent robotic androids. Is that truth coming, will that be the reality of the future? Will future civilizations destroy all the robots we build in the present period?

Will future generations curse ours for building these robots? Will they label this era a time when mankind was irresponsible with technology and allowed it to run away and eventually run over society? If this is the case then we ought to be very careful as we move forward and build robots to serve us and not for us to serve them and become a slave race to our own technologies.

Personally I am very proud of our technology and look forward to the robotics of the future, but if you disagree with me I see your point and thus I wrote this article from your perspective not mine. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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Space Camp for Your Children!

Many of us growing up wanted to go to the NASA Space Camp in Alabama and of course that would not be easy, as the competition was severely tough. Recently one of our Online Think Tank members from the UK notified us that he was building a VR or Virtual Reality, 3D, Surround a Sound model, simulator of the Space Shuttle, he is in Europe. Cool stuff.

Indeed as a space enthusiast myself, I have visited Alabama Space Camp in my travels as a tourist, it is a really neat place. Did you know that in Mesa AZ, The Boeing Company donated a simulator to the school district and that is excellent. I agree that Space Camp will be needed as we all head for the stars soon, in our lifetimes.

Of course being a thinker type, I am a big fan of Arthur C Clarke, Ben Bova, Issac Asimov and anything space. Satellites to future mining equipment and AI Android Robots too, lots of technology forth coming now. One gentleman told me that he too wanted to go to Space Camp as a kid, but he did not get to go. Now he hopes that his daughter might go.

Actually he hopes she might visit the moon one day too. It is totally possible and she needs to study math and science too of course and I am sure he know that as well. How about you? Are your children going to be the first colonists on Mars? Do you have a favorite Sci-Fi author? I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple, to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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Monday, October 6, 2008

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Global Warming - Using UAVs to Plant Trees

The Rain Forests on planet Earth are receding at an alarming rate some of this is due to normal planet cycles and some is due to mankind's industrial growth and sprawling increased populations. Humans need resources for their civilizations and timber is one very popular material used to build homes, businesses, schools and infrastructure.

Nevertheless, the rainforests are an important part of Earth's over all eco-system and the trees and vegetation is needed. In looking at this problem and the challenges which lie ahead at the Online Think Tank has been working on a solution. Currently, the tree deficit is about 6-8 Billion Trees from what we can surmise from reading rain-forest ecology research. It is such a massive problem that the only way to solve this is to use technology to help us plant more trees.

I propose using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or UAVs to help us plant more trees. UAVs are already being used in the Forest Service to help with fighting wildfires, now they can be used to help re-plant trees that have been destroyed by fire or used as timber. Additionally we can use other areas that remain fertile and unused as places to plant trees. By increasing the number of trees we can also offset mankind's CO2 pollution and perhaps keep the Global Warming folks from using the mass media to incite the masses into hysteria?

I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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To Test Or Not To Test? That Is The Question

Most states are now in their standardized testing period. The No Child Left Behind Act mandates testing for kids under the heading of “Assessment and Accountability.” Math seems to be the general weak area for many kids. Suddenly kids are on edge because their parents and teachers are on edge. One starts seeing arguments and articles about why testing is good or why testing is bad. Points and counter-points are being thrown about. Those who favor tests say that a standard guide is needed to evaluate what the students have learned and what they have not learned. Those against testing claim that knowledge is not measured by some standardized test taken on one day out of the whole school year.

The argument works both ways and finding a common ground is easier said than done. It is like asking someone to compromise without ourselves giving an inch. A compromise is a two-way street. It is a give and take. Not just taking and definitely not just giving.

The counter-points for those who favor testing are many. How can a one-day test show what a child has learned the entire year? What about kids who have the knowledge but are poor test takers with little or no test taking skills? What if the child tests on a day when the child is not feeling well? The list goes on.

Similarly the counter-points for those who oppose testing are a handful. Without some form of testing, how can one judge what a child knows and where more work needs to go in when teaching the child? How does one measure the ability of a teacher to get his or her students up to par with what are the accepted grade appropriate standards of knowledge?

The proponents on both sides move further away from each other rather than moving closer to each other’s position while trying to come to a meeting of the minds. The harsh reality of the world is that there is no getting away from testing. Testing in some form or another is used in all aspects of all professions. A lawyer has to pass the bar, a doctor has to his exams, an athlete has to pass tests of his athletic skills, and so on. At some level everyone is being judged and whether via a formal test or some other form of test, it is immaterial. A judgement is being made about one’s knowledge, skill or talent.

This is life. Everyone is being measured at some level by someone. The sooner our kids learn to deal with it, the better prepared they will be to face life’s challenges and judgements. This is even more important now than ever as we are truly in a global world. The competition in math comes from China, India, Japan, and many other countries which focus on developing a strong basic math foundation. Math is an incremental subject where every topic forward requires a mastery of the previous one. If the foundation is lacking, the child is doomed to a lifetime of math struggles and faces the prospects of many doors closing in the child's professional pursuits.

Though our kids are getting used to math toys and educational toys, they continue to need math tutoring lessons to help them be prepared for tests. Test taking skills are developed by practice. Practice makes perfect and more practice makes more perfect. Despite all the hype about new ways of teaching, the tried and true methods almost always prove their longevity.

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UAVs to Plant Cactus Along the Mexican Border; The Thick Pointy Kind!

The amount of money budgeted to put up a border fence between the United States and Mexico is a staggering multi-billion-dollar project. Recently, our Online Think Tank considered some possible alternatives. And in doing so we left nothing off-limits, all ideas were discussed no matter how crazy; complete unlimited thought to solve this grave problem.

One idea was to put landmines along the border, which were nonlethal and they would pop up and put sleeping gas in the area putting all the border crossing people to sleep and then the discharged device would contact the satellite or radio in the location and alert authorities to go pick them up.

Another idea was to use UAVs to Plant Cactus along the Mexican Border; The Thick Pointy Kind! How would this work you ask? Well, the UAV would fly along in a grid pattern and drop seeds for cactus plants a few days before a storm was about to hit then we simply let nature take its course and the cactuses would grow tall and thick and make a permanent barrier to entry.

Over 500 people die each year crossing the deserts from Mexico into the United States and if the cactuses would prevent them from crossing they would have to turn back and they would not die of over heat exhaustion and lack of water.

By planting cactuses we can save many lives. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple, to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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