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Monday, September 21, 2009

Redesigning the Parasail - Why Not?

The only thing that is constant is change said one of the wisest Americans, and yet we see many sectors and designs rarely change much. Oh sure, they have incremental changes in design, but what about revolutionary changes, things that just change everything?

Take email for instance, that revolutionized communication. Can you honestly imagine life without email? Now that you are using email can you remember what it was like before you had it? Interestingly enough, my first business was at 12-years old. There were no Fax Machines, computers, cell phones, none of that. We certainly did not have emails and long-distance phone calling was a total pain in the butt, nothing like it is today.

Well, why can't we revolutionize the parasail design? I think it's possible. I have been considering the future of a parasail, a floating wing with more rigidity. Although it would no longer be a parasail, perhaps, nevertheless it would look and it would fly in a similar fashion. How about adopting these concepts into the current parasail design:

1.) Using ram air to inflate the parasail, with a flap to prevent it from easily escaping once inflated;
2.) A rigid leading edge with a similar system as (1) with series of forward facing vortex eddy flow generators that would have reverse speed mechanical deployers, once the relative wind sped up the unit would climb faster.

The operator would be safer, the system would become more agile and maneuverable, plus, it would be nearly twice as durable and last 10-times longer. Think on this, and next time you want to design or re-design something ask; Why Not?

The Use and Development of a Biometric Scanner Will Give Us a More Secured Future

A biometric scanner is so trendy now that even kids can have them installed at the doorway of their room so unauthorized persons cannot enter their room. Actually, it also has an announce feature where an alarm goes off if somebody tries to gain entrance. Unauthorized persons can mean a brother, a sister and even a parent. It is actually educational as it teaches these kids about safety, privacy and security. It teaches the kids the principle behind a biometric scanner which is about DNA, retina scanning and others.

If only government would make some use of biometric tagging for all the children, maybe kidnapping or human trafficking will be at a minimum. A child will be located within an hour of being grabbed. Actually, there are many possibilities of a biometric scanner as it can be used for different purposes. Kids and adults will be able to benefit as biometric scanners continually improve and made use of in different ways.

Right now, these gadgets are being used for timekeeping, identification and security. It acts as a key to gain entry in an office or it can be used to unlock a website or an account online. Pretty soon, the use of passwords and keys will become obsolete in a few years' time.

One can visualize a more safe and efficient world with the use of these scanners. Government will no longer spend most of their time in security because it is already being handled and monitored well. They will be able to focus on finance, education of the entire nation and others. Oh, what a world it will be!

Will Teachers Be Replaced by Technology?

In the last 15 years, the use of technology in schools has changed beyond recognition. From just one or two computers per school, to 'computer suites', to current day, where some schools provide access to technology across the whole school and to use it across all subjects. Will the future of education in the next 20 years be of student interacting with technology to drive their own learning? Will schools as we know them cease to exist? Will our technology hungry young learners no longer need teachers? Virtually every job we do today requires some kind of technology. Students need to be technologically adept, including information literacy, visual literacy, and technological literacy.

Schools are using materials de­veloped decades ago, but today's students come to school with very different experiences than those of 20 years ago. And by the time they leave the world of education the real world will have moved on again. We should be teaching them about how to keep up. Schools need to adapt to current student needs and identify new learning methods that are engaging to younger generations and teach them to use technology wisely.

There are three ways to teach...tell someone, show someone or let them do it themselves. With developments in technology children can do it themselves earlier and much quicker. Our educational establishments need to be harnessing this new way to learn and using it for all it is worth. This puts an added requirement on today's teachers. A requirement to have the skills and capabilities to use technology to meet the needs of learners. They need to understand and be comfortable using the technology that is out there to engage young learners. And there is a plethora of options available from educational software, online games, eBooks for children, and educational websites.

A recent survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project [*1] found that online game experience is extremely common among young people, requiring active participation and interaction, and signalled that current educational methods may not be engaging students enough. So are games the future of education? Perhaps. But whether you agree or not it does raise the issue whether education needs to be as engaging as computer games in order to engage young minds. And what does this mean for teachers? Will they be out of a job? No. Their role will still be to prepare children for their futures in the real world. Not by telling, but by mentoring and coaching. Technology can never replace a good teacher but it can make a good teacher better and a very good teacher absolutely brilliant in fulfilling their role of preparing children for the future world.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Future is Totally Up in the Air

Anything is possible in the future as we know it. Technology is expanding at such a rapid pace that anything is possible in the future. Literally you can start an international business overnight with nothing more then a telephone and internet connection.

The "World Is Truly Flat", and things are moving at the speed of light. In the book "The World Is Flat" by Thomas Friedman, he talks about the international shipping company UPS. Most people think of UPS is just a shipping company, yet they do so much more then move boxes. They are a distribution hub for enterprises and other small businesses. They are actually at the center of operations in a lot of modern companies.

Meaning no longer does UPS just ship products and parts. They actually assemble the parts for their clients and ship the finish product to the consumer. They are truly "6 inches" apart from the consumer. They do this with great savings for their client.

In this new world nothing is what it seems. The people who controls these hubs and networks are kings. Google is another great example. People think that Google is a web company, existing primary online. When really Google is one of the biggest network, and hardware company out there. Google's infrastructure, it's vast array of computer farms, is what separates them from their competitors. It's why their company is so valuable, and not easily duplicated.

In this new "Technological Revolution", you have to think outside of the box. Never have you had so many resources at your disposal. You can outsource anything, and probably should. Like my brother tells me, the great companies of tomorrow are those that know what to outsource and what to do themselves.

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Of Dandelions, Flying Umbrellas and Parasails - Connecting Nature, Fantasy and Present Technology

Not long ago an enterprising entrepreneurial inventor asked; What if the Parasail was made with more rigidity, what if we used an expandable dirigible type shape? Could we then increase the speed, maneuverability, strength, and safety?

Interestingly enough, it is possible to redesign the parasail in such a way that would enhance its performance in every regard. Follow with me as I take you through a few innovative concepts that could be deployed in the future to make this a reality.

First, we make the parasail out of ultra-light space age material, with an inner flexible frame surrounded by flexible NASA foam, inside of a carbon nano-tube or graphene wrap. Perhaps you could have only one attachment from the operator, pod, or power system. This would remove the need for all the external stringers, improving parasite drag and increasing safety.

A single post from the parasail to the operator or operating system would provide another level of performance as it could be thin, but shaped like a long fin or sword shape. And since it the parasail would be morph-able, it would be very maneuverable and would not collapse if its wind was stolen or it hit turbulence.

Further, the sword-like post could be semi-retractable swinging 90-degrees to allow high speed with the pod, operator, or operating system behind it or below it for slower speeds. The parasail itself could morph from a delta-wing similar to a hang-glider into a fat wing shape like a parasail for maximum glide rates and lift.

These units could be built very cheaply and could be used for swarming sensors of any size from a UAV platform with long-range camera or personal carrier for rescue, military, or patrol. It might even be used in the range of the micro-mechanical. You know nature has such things, think of a Dandelion floating in the wind in a parasail fashion.

Think of it as a flying umbrella, but instead of the umbrella we are using doubles as a parasail concept or wing. These units could be made very large or extremely small and these little units could be used like Smart Dust with micro-sensors, acting like nodes or motes flowing in the wind.

Such airborne system have lots of advantages for weather, wind, studying volcanic eruptions, wildfires, Hurricanes, dust storms or movement along a path, road, canyon, tunnel, etc. And we could still use the parasail concept for recreation, as in personal flying craft, and sports recreation? How much weight will you want to move?

This system could also be made into a very nice towing chute; a ship - in a shipping channel crossing the ocean to save fuel, towing a sight-seeing tourist by boat over the white sands and beautiful shore line, or even floating a camera in high-winds for border patrol surveillance.

Another thought would be to use the sword-like post tether to keep the parasail unit aloft by adjusting pitch, roll, and yaw, preventing stall due to relative wind. That wouldn't be too hard to figure out, and with a simplified program autopilot and stability control algorithm. Such a concept is something we will be seeing in the future, it's inevitable that designs of these types will come available as new space age materials do. Think on this.

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Sound Reinforcement Systems in the Classroom Can Significantly Improve Pupils Academic Performance

Pupils can spend as much as 40% to 50% of their school day involved in listening to their teacher. However, as studies have indicated (Journal of the American Medical Association) 14. 9% of children aged from 6 to19 years may suffer some form of hearing loss. Similar studies have also showed that around 80% of pupils may have some form of occasional hearing loss during their time at school.

In a recommendation published by the UK Department of Education & Skills (DfES) "Building Bulletin '93" it states that 'All children benefit from improved speech clarity, not only those with permanent or temporary hearing loss. Academic performance has been shown to improve for all class members with improvements noted in task behaviour, attentiveness, understanding of instructions, less repetition required, better attendance and improved levels of verbal recognition. Furthermore, due to the clarity of speech from the teacher, similar improvements in learning performance are also noted in students for whom English is a second language. '

More recently Government legislation in the USA, UK and Europe requires that new schools in particular need to comply with a minimum standards of acoustic performance in classrooms. Effective levels of speech recognition for pupils is considered paramount and the use of sound reinforcement systems is also viewed as an ideal solution. .

A typical sound reinforcement system provides the teacher with a wireless or infrared microphone (more usually a lapel or pendant type) which links to an amplifier and loudspeaker system.

Sound reinforcement systems raise the level of the teacher's voice but are intended to be non-intrusive. These systems have been in use quite extensively in the USA over the past 15 years or so and are seen as a significant opportunity to improve academic performance in the UK and in Europe.

In line with the UK DfES equipment recommendations, systems have been developed to meet the needs of the classroom. With a choice of microphones with either radio frequency or infrared wireless transmitters, there are a variety of solutions available providing a range of benefits.

Infrared transmitters are becoming more popular as they limit the signal to the confines of the one classroom, enabling many systems to be used in a single school without suffering the interference problems associated with RF wireless systems. Systems may have integrated receivers and amplifiers or for more cost effective solutions have separate receivers that can be connected to existing classroom sound systems associated with interactive whiteboards. Speakers should be placed to provide an effective sound pressure level throughout the classroom for best effect and may be ceiling or wall mounted.

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