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Monday, October 6, 2008

UAVs to Plant Cactus Along the Mexican Border; The Thick Pointy Kind!

The amount of money budgeted to put up a border fence between the United States and Mexico is a staggering multi-billion-dollar project. Recently, our Online Think Tank considered some possible alternatives. And in doing so we left nothing off-limits, all ideas were discussed no matter how crazy; complete unlimited thought to solve this grave problem.

One idea was to put landmines along the border, which were nonlethal and they would pop up and put sleeping gas in the area putting all the border crossing people to sleep and then the discharged device would contact the satellite or radio in the location and alert authorities to go pick them up.

Another idea was to use UAVs to Plant Cactus along the Mexican Border; The Thick Pointy Kind! How would this work you ask? Well, the UAV would fly along in a grid pattern and drop seeds for cactus plants a few days before a storm was about to hit then we simply let nature take its course and the cactuses would grow tall and thick and make a permanent barrier to entry.

Over 500 people die each year crossing the deserts from Mexico into the United States and if the cactuses would prevent them from crossing they would have to turn back and they would not die of over heat exhaustion and lack of water.

By planting cactuses we can save many lives. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple, to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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