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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can We Send Information Faster Than the Speed of Light?

Well we know that the precursory waves to light waves occur as disruptions as the light pushes them out. So what if the precursory waves were labeled as a one or zero? This is information now. So you could have a pulsed laser send out precursory waves and kill the main event of the light from the pulse laser just before it starts. Thus you send precursory disruption waves as your actual signal

There are many theories I have along this line of thought; I did write up an article some where on an energy bubble riding on light wave precursory waves. You could cause something like this in theory, thus send open air light wave signals faster than light. Or a wave rider information pack bubble riding on a precursory light wave. Maybe even a sound wave wrapped in self.

If you look at HP Research, Intel's new research and storing images on photons. Then who is to say that all the light in the Universe is not pre-coded. You could in fact encapsulate information or perhaps DNA strand information back or forward in time or anywhere in the dimension or through other dimensions to here or there or where ever, why not?

Well the why not is indeed interesting and some would say that just isn’t possible; why? Because science does not know how to? I am not buying that. Humans could not build jet aircraft in the 18th century either, it does not mean it is not possible only no one knew how...YET!

"Life is a Wave" -Lance 1999'

I believe we can send encapsulated DNA, particles, viruses, RNA back or forwards in time on shelled light precursory wave riders. But most folks are looking at present day applications, such as a computer processor that works on light or can send information faster than the speed of light?

Yes, my thinking is that you could make a processor work faster than the speed of light trillions of calculations per second. Complete the information and send it back in time. Complete the process before time can record it, Do it in the void of an encapsulated timeless space.

My suspicion is that you could store all the Universes information in a cup of water and some day perhaps we just might? Moore’s Law is not dead yet? Scientists are now stopping a pulsed laser in mid-flight; the light then reappears. How can that be? Light that re-appears appears to me as converting to energy during the disruption collision with the barrier stopping it, the energy becomes one with the other during the transition, but the randomness is re-alined as the momentum (loosely used) pushes and pulls and then the natural configuration re-appears as one again.

Light! I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.



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