Can We Replace Human Thinking with Artificial Intelligent Robots?
Running or Participating an Online Think Tank will certainly make you think and you just never know where your mind will take you or who in the future might want to take your mind away from you! And so the question was proposed; Can We Replace Human Thinking with Artificial Intelligent Robots? Do we dare to think there? Well someone better and indeed the Online Think Tank was called to duty.
The Founder of The Human Knowledge MindMap stated that his plan would allow critical thinking skills for anyone who truly wanted to learn how to use it. He stated that he did not believe you can replace human thinking
I understand you believe that you cannot replace human thinking. I agree. But if only 2% of the people think and a maximum roll-out world wide of your MindMap only increases that by lets say 1000% that still leaves some 80% of the humans not thinking right? So, in Isaac Asimov's books he talks about different Worlds and Planets with different numbers of robots, on Earth none are allowed and there is a quasi police state with everyone living in domes. Seems rather "Logan Run" ish? And I already see this trend.
Labels: Artificial Intelligent Robots, Can We Replace Human Thinking with Artificial Intelligent Robots
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