Redesigning the Parasail - Why Not?
The only thing that is constant is change said one of the wisest Americans, and yet we see many sectors and designs rarely change much. Oh sure, they have incremental changes in design, but what about revolutionary changes, things that just change everything?
Take email for instance, that revolutionized communication. Can you honestly imagine life without email? Now that you are using email can you remember what it was like before you had it? Interestingly enough, my first business was at 12-years old. There were no Fax Machines, computers, cell phones, none of that. We certainly did not have emails and long-distance phone calling was a total pain in the butt, nothing like it is today.
Well, why can't we revolutionize the parasail design? I think it's possible. I have been considering the future of a parasail, a floating wing with more rigidity. Although it would no longer be a parasail, perhaps, nevertheless it would look and it would fly in a similar fashion. How about adopting these concepts into the current parasail design:
1.) Using ram air to inflate the parasail, with a flap to prevent it from easily escaping once inflated;
2.) A rigid leading edge with a similar system as (1) with series of forward facing vortex eddy flow generators that would have reverse speed mechanical deployers, once the relative wind sped up the unit would climb faster.
The operator would be safer, the system would become more agile and maneuverable, plus, it would be nearly twice as durable and last 10-times longer. Think on this, and next time you want to design or re-design something ask; Why Not?