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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Doctors Only - Are You the Doctor of the Future?

Hundreds of years ago, Hippocrates predicted that food will be medicine.

He was right. Now we know that food is medicine. Natural remedies are one of the most sought after types of information on the internet. People want to use natural foods and herbs to solve their health issues and some of them will not accept anything less. That's why doctors that have embraced nutritional advances and professions such as chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and herbalists are doing so well in these hard times.

What Does the Future Bring Now?

Since we are already in the future when it comes to Hippocrates' prediction, it's time to look ahead once more.

First let's evaluate what is happening right now. Times are tough. People don't really want to travel anywhere unless they have to. If something is available in their own neighborhood, that's where people will get it. People are afraid that gas prices will rise once again. When they do, shipping costs will increase again.

When it comes to health, people will travel about half an hour to see a doctor, but if the choice is between two doctors, the doctor whose office is closest has the edge.

If you are a doctor or a health practitioner you'll have to draw upon clients within a 15 to 20 mile geographical radius. This is very limiting! How can you enlarge your geographical reach?

Video Medicine and TeleMedicine Has Arrived

Simple. With a video phone.

A video phone is a desk phone with a video display on it, plain and simple. A camera sits at the top of the video display and captures what is happening in the room. The closer you are to the camera, the larger you are in the picture. The images seen are in real time, and there is very little if any delay in the transmission, unlike what happens when you watch some of the YouTube videos on the net.

When someone with a video phone calls you, you see the other person clearly s soon as you pick up the phone. Similarly, they see you. This is the start of telemedicine.

Connect with Your Patients/Clients Through a Video Phone

Can you imagine the benefits? First of all, your patient will absolutely love the idea that you are available in this way. If he develops a suspicious rash but cannot make it in to the office for a few days, you can comfort him by taking a peak at it until his appointment. If she hurts her back, you can see the extent of the injury by asking her to perform a few simple orthopedic tests and watching her on the video phone for the results. The video phone can aide your diagnosis, but more than that, it could establish a deeper bond between you and your patient. You would have been there for him and her in their time of need. That alone goes a long way with patients.

Have you ever noticed that whoever has the latest technology is revered? Remember when the big screen televisions hit the market? Whoever had one was not just lucky; they were revered. The iphone was similar. And now there is telemedicine.

Another benefit is that your patients will hold you in high esteem when they talk about you. "...My doctor has video phone access. Does yours?" they might say. Everyone always wants to have a doctor who is the most technologically advanced and the has the most recent tools to work with.

Doctors who are available as many ways as possible, especially by using multimedia and telemedicine, can always win.

Getting onboard with the latest technology is easier than you can imagine.

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