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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Titanium Dioxide Coatings Needed For Electronic Pens at Retail Stores

Many people are extremely paranoid about using a toilet seat in any business establishment that they go to. One cannot blame them, as it makes sense to avoid using the restroom because you want to make sure you do not contract some disease. But you may have heard that most businesses clean their restrooms often and thus, it is relatively safe.

But did you know what really is not safe? Things like the pens on an small chain at the bank or those little pens you use to sign your credit card or those little key pads you use to type in your pin number when you buy something. Why? Well, because they have more germs on them that a shopping cart that has been used all day with slobbering kids dribbling on the handles.

It is for this reason that we believe that we ought to borrow some of the technology used in the self-cleaning window industry and in the restaurant industry with regards to the stainless steel countertops. That is "titanium dioxide" which kills germs, viruses and bacteria.

In fact, we ought to be coating the key pads of these devices used at the gas station, grocery store and even at the post office with titanium dioxide. And those little pens that are attached where folks sign their electronic credit card signature capture too.

Why not use Titanium Dioxide Coatings for all these Electronic Pens at Retail Stores, Banks, Department of Motor Vehicles and the Post Office? Preventing the spread of flu, disease, viruses and germs is a way good idea, so please think on it.


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